Jelly Fritters and A Salad Of Tomatoes

Jelly Fritters

Make a batter of two eggs, a pint of milk, and a pint bowl of wheat flour or more, beat it light, put a tablespoonful lard or beef fat in a frying or omelet pan, add a salt-spoonful * of salt, make it boiling hot, put in the batter by the large spoonful, not to close; when one side is delicate brown, turn the other; when done, take them onto a dish with a doily over it, put a dessert-spoonful ** of firm jelly on each, and serve.

Recipe From: The Jewel Cookbook, this copy was given to someone in 1891, not really sure of the books real date.

* salt-spoon: A small spoon (1/8 tsp), usually having a round, deep bowl, used in taking salt at table.

** dessert-spoon: A spoon intermediate in size between a tablespoon and a teaspoon.
So you will need one and one half teaspoons.

Info From: The New Century Dictionary, 1936
The Cooking Inn (

A Salad Of Tomatoes

To make a tomato salad you must not slice the fruit in a dish and then pour on it a little vinegar and then a little oil; that is not salad –that is ignorance.

Take some red tomatoes, and, if you can procure them, some golden ones also. Plunge each for a moment in boiling water, peel off the skin, but carefully, so as not to cut through the flesh with the juice. Take some raw onion cut in slices; if you do not like the strong taste, use shallot; and lay four or five flat slices on the bottom of the salad dish. Put the tomato slices over them, sprinkle with salt and just a dust of castor sugar. In four hours lift the tomatoes and remove the onions altogether. Make in a cup the following sauce: Dissolve a salt-spoonful * of salt in a teaspoonful of tarragon vinegar. Stir in a dessert-spoonful ** of oil, dropping it slowly in, add a very little mustard, some pepper and a sprinkle of chopped chervil. Some people like chopped chives. Pour this over the tomato salad and leave it for an hour at least before serving it.

Recipe From: An Old Belgium cookbook

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